Welcome, fellows of the digital realm! I’m your guide through this journey of mockery, your captain on the ship of sarcasm. By day, I juggle fatherhood and running a tech firm; by night, I don my writer’s cap and transform into a maestro of mockery. Picture dwelling in a paradise of abundance yet starving on the crumbs of tomfoolery.
This blog is where my mental health is kept in check. Here, I poke fun at the world and sprinkle some humour onto the fatuity. Expect a cocktail of wit, satire, and slices of reality to be served harshly with a side of humour. Join me as we dance through the droll and ridiculous!
- The Africa the West Called ‘Primitive’ Is Now Coveted Treasure
- The Queen Mother’s Challenge: Balancing Female Achievement with Male Empowerment in Modern Africa
- Dear Macron, you insult our dead. Here is Africa’s list of gratitude for 400 years of French affection.
- The Young Lion Who Roared Against French Colonialism in Africa
- Why Are Black Women Leading the Charge to Rewrite Colonial History?
- Democracy Won, Ghana Lost
- Ghana’s Game Changers: The 2024 Presidential Wild Cards
- Want Your CEO Back? Pay Your Taxes! – Mali’s Masterclass to Mining Negotiations